The Scattered iTunes Library

Yang namanya minta maaf itu harusnya dibarengin sama keinginan untuk membuat keadaan lebih baik. You don't go around telling people "I just burned your house down, sorry. Why, you ask? Well just because I want to." right? It's pointless, it's asking the other person to put up with what you're doing without considering the fact whether he/she wants to or not. It's selfish. If that's the case, save your words for yourself, cause deep down inside you actually ignore what that other person feels, and in the end it doesn't really matter for you whether the answer to that "Sorry" is a yes or a no. Go ahead, be selfish, but just please stop putting that mask to make yourself feel better. I won't buy it.

5 Writebacks:

  Ratih Siahaan

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

setuju kak! kalo nggak membuat keadaan lebih baik gaada gunanya ngomong maaf (napsu hahaha)


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

.......i know how that feels nu.

  Nunu Fithria

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Ratih Siahaan : iya kan ya, i mean, what's the point?

Istina : shucks, right. i hope you've passed that phase


Saturday, September 05, 2009

I have, and I hope you'll have. soon.

  Nunu Fithria

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

highly unlikely -_-