Their music is... different, compared to their previous albums. Slower tempo, less upbeat tunes, and lyrically, less intriguing yet still twisted. Still got a special thrill for this band, though some of the new songs don't really fit my ears the way their previous songs do. Well they evolve, I guess.
Look at Alex and his half covered face, also Jamie with his beard and new hairdo. They've grown even older.
Anyways I love these shots, the tone and lighting are simply pretty.
Take a listen too!
Cool Tracks : Cornerstone, Potion Approaching, Crying Lightning.
She was close,
And she held me very tightly
Till I asked awfully politely,
"Please, can I call you her name?"
Cornerstone/Arctic Monkeys
6 Writebacks:
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
menurut gue lbh bagus album yg skarang nu. btw, alex mau digimanapun juga tetep ganteng ! hahah
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Kalo buat gue masih asikan Fav Worst Nightmare hehe iya emanggg tapi tampangnya terlihat makin sombong haha
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Menurut saya Humbug dan Favourite memang memiliki beberapa perbedaan. Dalam Humbug terkadang terdengar influens dari The Last Shadow Puppets dengan musik yang lebih pelan, walau tidak signifikan. Tetapi persamaan kedua album tak lain adalah karya Arctic Monkeys yang solid.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Oh iya ya dikit, tapi Last Shadow Puppets agak lebih theatrical rasanya. Sangat setuju dengan kalimat terakhir
Saturday, September 12, 2009
klo menurut saya Humbug adalah album "kedewasaan" mereka dalam bermusik, dimana mereka mulai bertransformasi dan berani meninggalkan zona aman dalam album-albumnya terdahulu.
Every great band in UK did this like Blur in 13, Radiohead in Kid A, and Oasis in Standing in the Shoulders of Giants.
saya paling suka Cornerstone dan My Propeller.
salam kenal :)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Yeah and it's boring to keep playing the same stuff anyway. Nice to know you :-)
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