1. Restaurant City by Playfish
Build your very own restaurant...

...Decorate them as you wish...

...And run for recipes!

Oh God, that simple yet addictive.
2. Who Has The Biggest Brain by Playfish
Absolutely the funnest way to train your brain

Analyze your brain capability and find out how big your brain is by simply playing 4 entertaining mini games!

So, whose brain do you have? :--D
Play them for free at Facebook! (D'uh I sound like a commercial break)
Be right back, got to play some more.
Have a nice day, people! :--*
Have a nice day, people! :--*
5 Writebacks:
Sunday, May 03, 2009
eh nu, kan gw upload nilai lu sebagai nilai gw.
kok gw jadi amoeba ya?
Sunday, May 03, 2009
I don't know that there's restaurant city game.. I'm going to find out later :D
Sunday, May 03, 2009
nabila : nah iya gue kan nanyain itu nab ke lo pas lo upload. mungkin ketauan itu tipuan kali haha ga deng itu lambang doaaang palingan
istina : go ahead try it, even better than pet society! :--D
Monday, May 04, 2009
i played the last one! and i got alien's brain! lol.
Monday, May 04, 2009
ah that's huge!
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