This is called 50 FIRST REACTIONS... Type what comes to your mind FIRST whenever you hear these 50 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. Doesn't matter how random just type it! Re-post it for all of your friends.
1. Beer: Heineken
2. Food: Eat?
3. Relationship: Mbe
4. Crush: 9th grade
5. Power Rangers: The uh, the yellow one.
6. Life: Pull it off
7. The President: SBY
8. Yummy: Gum
9. Car: Driving like it's nothing special
10. Movie: Wolverine
11. Halloween: ...Pumpkin
12. Sex: Fuckers
13. Religion: Mosque
14. Hate: Drama drama drama
15. Fear: Lily Allen (d'uh)
16. Marriage: Huge, white bride dress
17. Blondes: Hair, of course?
18. Slippers: Wearing it
19. Shoes: Heels
20. Asians: Slanted eyes
21. Pastime: The Click Five
22. One night stand: Barney Stinson
23. My cell phone: Kicked it accidentally, asphalt, a moment ago.
24. Smoke: Smokers who look cool smoking (which are pretty rare)
25. Fantasy: Squall and friends
27. High school Life: Working on it
28. Pyjamas: Cotton
29. Stars: Gunung Bunder
30. Center: Circle
31. Alcohol: My pink chemistry module
32. The word LOVE: Magical
33. Friends: Faces
34. Money: Me taking a bath in a tub full of money
35. Heartache: Rejected
36. Time: Clocks, especially the old, antique looking ones.
37. Divorce: Rings
38. Dogs: I wish they're not religiously forbidden
39. Undies: The Sims
40. Parents: My mom
41. Babies: Little socks and clothes
42. Ex: Failed romance attempt
43. Song: Norell
44. Color: A Color palette
45. Weddings: Western styled ones, with maid of honor
46. Pizza: One with blueberry topping, like the one in Who Has The Biggest Brain. Shoot.
47. Hangout: People standing in front of a wall full of graffitis, some of them hold a skateboard
48. Rest: Sleep
49. Goal : Soccer
50. Inspiration: Hairspray
...Oh I'm so random.
13 Writebacks:
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
wets, lama tak posting...
lo disuruh tugas drama ya?? kok hate nya drama drama drama. wakjakkakakakaka
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
aku ambil ya nuuu... x)
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
ravi : Maksudnya hate tuh pretty much a real life drama vi hahaha
putri : okaaaay :-)
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
udah nonton wolverine ya nu????
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Inspiration: Hairspray -> hahaha
lucu banget sih kamu, beb :D
Thursday, May 07, 2009
kirain nasib sama kek gue...
Saturday, May 09, 2009
yg nomor 34 kaya adegan di slumdog hahah. gue juga mau deh kaya gtu, buka keran yg keluar duit hahah
Sunday, May 10, 2009
mudsun : iyaaa terus skrg jadi pengen nonton xmen seriesnya gitu huu keren ya saaa wehehe
ONiC: ehehe aw thank yoouu, i don't get praised often :--D
Ravi : iya ada juga si tugas dramanya vi haha
tyapratiwi : iyyyelah pengen asik banget itu bro hahaha
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
nu, itu bukan pizza, itu PIE
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
pizzzzaa naaab. makanya main game yang itu jangan barengan nanti jadi kacau haha
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
OMFG! you haven't watch X-Men trilogy???
how can i be a friend with you???
btw, i copied it to my blog
Thursday, June 18, 2009
nuuuu gw ambil yaa hihihi
Thursday, June 18, 2009
mudsun : iyeah kmrn sempet interested tapi hypenya hilang jadi ga jadi deeeech haha
Putri : suuure put hehe
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