Q : What's it like, being seventeen?
A : Well, for me it's practically the same.
- Having the real I.D card? Well yeah it's still in the process till this day and I think once it's finished it'll just stuck on my wallet like my student card and other cards is (which I had before I'm seventeen).
- Being legitimate when it comes to applying for driver's license? Well my parent's not interested in buying me wheels of my own and none of people around me have enough time to teach me how to drive, so....
- Having access to watch films rated for adults? Well the sixteen-year-old-and-previous me has watched some films with adult rating (I'm not speaking of porn here)
My first 17th birthday cake was from my kind-hearted fellows of 11 Science B
It was this second break of the day, I was kind of upset cause I have no company at that moment. Having no company at your birthday, admit it, it sucks. But then suddenly little crowd of people approached me and the song "Happy Birthday to You" started to fade in--only the word "to you" was replaced with my name :--D
I swear, the first thing came to my mind was "Wey, who's birthday is it?" hahaha weeeird, but then it took me merely seconds to realised that I was that lucky birthday girl. They wished me a happy birthday, I blew the candles, then we ate the cake together ♥
Blowing Candles
The second (and the most unique one) was from my beloved fomer class, Xepele.
They gave it to me after school ends. Suddenly they came through the canteen with an decorated board and seventeen pieces of ...Kue Tete. I laughed hard when I saw these LOL

The cake I'm talking about
They said there was a wisdom behind why-they-chose-kue-tete; it's a symbol of maturity which is what the number 17 is all about. This made me laugh even harder.
So there were 17 pieces of it and each one of them was attached with lit candle, certain people hold certain piece and I have to blew all the candles off! So I blew them all and ate a piece out of seventeen. The most delicious Kue Tete I've ever eaten, tasted like Happy Birthday haha
The board was decorated with drawing of me (which was so creative, they used wool for my hair and the ends were curly, omg! My braces were made of square colourful beads, and for the clothing they used remnants with various prints) and at the back there were signatures of my friends, all wishing me a happy birthday!

The Board in the making

The Board and one of the 17 Cakes

The third cake was from my boyfriend. He gave the cake and a birthday gift while we were alone together. He always said earlier to me that he want to give his own treat for me personally, when there are only the two of us, and he really did ♥
I need to catch my ride to Bandung later that day, cause my brother was about to officially graduate from his college the next day. So Mbe drove me to the travel office and then I went to Bandung at seven pm.
This is when I realised that my father forgot my birthday. Yeah, the only stain of the day. Pffft but oh well
I arrived at around half past nine, and this was when I received my fourth cake, which was from my family (well technically my father didn't participate, but anyways) along with a birthday present
It's kind of hard to say goodbye to the day, to let go of those zests. But time didn't give a damn, that's why today's 23rd of April, not 17th. But maybe it's good that time flies, cause up till today I still carry the happiness lots of people gave me and from that I learned that true happiness, stays. :--)
Thank you very berry much,
Nunu (17)
This is when I realised that my father forgot my birthday. Yeah, the only stain of the day. Pffft but oh well
I arrived at around half past nine, and this was when I received my fourth cake, which was from my family (well technically my father didn't participate, but anyways) along with a birthday present
It's kind of hard to say goodbye to the day, to let go of those zests. But time didn't give a damn, that's why today's 23rd of April, not 17th. But maybe it's good that time flies, cause up till today I still carry the happiness lots of people gave me and from that I learned that true happiness, stays. :--)
Thank you very berry much,
Nunu (17)
15 Writebacks:
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Oh mey jey kuenya sama
Thursday, April 23, 2009
which one with which one?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
kue TETE-symbol of maturity hmmmm
Friday, April 24, 2009
Aaa what a lovely birthday :D nunuuu dipajang yaa gadis jeraminya hahaha. Maturity means boobs cake !?
Friday, April 24, 2009
nabila : yeah a philosophy by paw25694
tyapratiwi : iya dooong hehe bukan donk tapi boob cake means maturity! haha
Friday, April 24, 2009
cie nuruuul 17 tahun hahaha xe hebat yaaaa :----p
Friday, April 24, 2009
woow, seru ya hehe :)
Friday, April 24, 2009
waw,,sure i'm jealous,,,hahahhaha,,,^^ happy day..
Friday, April 24, 2009
irip : iyeeeeee gila kreatifnya ga nahan haha
serra : hehe iyaa alhamdulillah seru serr :-D
dhika : pretty muchhh hehe you made my day too dhik yeknow :--)
Friday, April 24, 2009
waaaaaaw banyak ya kue nya hahaha
Friday, April 24, 2009
iye kue tetenya ada 17 sih yen hahaha
Friday, April 24, 2009
yaaah abis gimana ya nung kalo cake mah biasaaaaaaa haha, xe kewl banget kaaaan?
Saturday, April 25, 2009
banget banget banget2an nas haha
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
HAAAAAPPY BIRTHDAY NUNUUUUUUUUU :DD the last cake looks delicious lol
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Yaaay thank you wiii hehehe yeah it is, luckily they were pretty selective when it comes to the cake :--D
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