I Prefer Midterm Test Week

I'm really not in the mood to go back to my usual daily life, which is tomorrow. I feel empty, like having no event to look forward to, like I can't see the finish line, like... well, empty.

Last Saturday I've done my final oral test at my English course, which I've been looking forward to since the first time I applied for the course. Yet oddly I don't really feel happy about this. Uh I mean, it's good to be free every Saturday from now on (hopefully, if I passed the final test) but the thought of losing my class there doesn't really amuse me. Somehow it even made me feel emptier.

I don't know, is it just me being too sentimental or what, whatever but I don't like this kind of feeling. I hope I'll be over this soon

2 Writebacks:


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

sabar y nu..ak jg sering banget ngerasa gitu skarang...entah knapa...

  Nunu Fithria

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

iya kan dhik ya, untung besok libur haha