Monday has passed, Yay!

I've finished this weird and personally pointless homework for me given by my civic teacher.

She (the teacher) asked us to write the answer to fifty numbers of essay civic questions in our workbooks.

I mean, I have the exact copy of the answer so why would I need to re-write them down? I won't mind if it's just several lines or so but it costs me five full pages, for Merlin's beard. Try to imagine the shape of my index and middle finger now.

I know, they say that by writing it will help us better at remembering but... It's just not working that way with me, except for science and math since I resolve the problems as I write the answers down.

Anyways I'm done with that so why bother whining (which I already did, d'uh.)

Another news is that my maid quit and got fired at the same time exactly two days ago. It even involved fake tears and illogical schemes, can you picture that? My mom went all mad and the maid got kicked out immediately. So yeah, my house is maidless (whoops new word) at the moment. But everything's fine, though. My mom and I work it out well.

Tomorrow I'll have a looong way to run for my physical education and i'm dread lazy when I think about this. Should I fake a cold or something? Hmmmmmm well.... Let's see by then.

Wish me a delightful Tuesday and have a nice one, you :--)

4 Writebacks:


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

lah ko bisa dipecat??

  Nunu Fithria

Thursday, February 19, 2009

soalnya dia nyoba boong pas mau berhenti terus sama nyokap gue langsung disuruh pergi dhik hahahaa


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

serius nu? air mata palsu?

  Nunu Fithria

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

dead serious. you should've seen their faces when our mom cracked the scheme