- You look real good behind the wheels and I love it when you drive for me, especially when there are only the two of us
- I want you to hold my hand even when everyone is about to look at us once you do
- I've been too forgiving when it comes to you than I really actually should be
- When all of a sudden I call you on the cell it means I need and or miss you so much at that moment and I can't help it
- I hate it when you leave too soon while actually you could stick up for some more minutes
- Speaking of Crocs, you'd look nicer when you wear your sneakers or shoes or sandals, so...
- When I say I want to ice skate and ride the ferris wheel with you, I mean it much more than you could imagine
- Most of the times something is wrong with me or us, you actually only need to hug me to settle everything up
- I'll keep my mouth shut, so don't be afraid to share secrets with me
- Each sweet text you sent have made me smile for long period of time. I read it times over times
- Your jokes are pretty funny, so don't stop
- I'm happy every time you smile or laugh once I try to entertain you
- Stop being so independent, I'll be glad to help you if you have problems. Ask me favors
- It won't hurt you to praise my taste of music once in a while
- Once I post this I'm afraid you will read it but at the same time I really wish you do
I actually hope I'll see you tomorrow
first thing in the morning.
P.S. :--*
5 Writebacks:
Sunday, February 15, 2009
hey nuno! oh so sweet.. i do agree on all the point! anyway i've made my own version too. hope you'll read it and drop me a comment. nice to know u. ;)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
aaw thank you Putri. Okaay, will do! nice to know you too :--D
Monday, February 16, 2009
aw nunuuuu nomor lima belasnya sangat terasa haha
Monday, February 16, 2009
iya nih rip kontradiktif bangetttt yaaa haha tapi kayanya si doi (HAHA) ga baca deh, eh dibaca ga ya, dibaca aja deh dong duh aaa ngomong apa gue hahaha
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
huahahaha si DOI uwowwow
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