The sun shone, and I went to Senayan with me Boy :--D
Had lunch at Sushi Tei. I ordered my favourite crispy roll. The good thing was I had plenty of money left for the rest of the month so I could order anything (until my tummy says enough) I want! Mbe was enjoying his Beef Katsudon (If I'm not mistaken), but having to tackle some problems to finish the Salmon Maki.
Mbe is okay when the topic of the talk comes to the past, and I find that pretty cool. So we talked about his Junior High time. Some surprising stories, but being able to laugh and really felt that those are on the past made me glad :-)
Then we went to the cinema, decided to watch Quarantine after casted some other movies that were playing. The movie is a whack anyways, couldn't let go of Mbe's arm since I needed to squeeze on something to put the tense off everytime the thrill took place. He even canceled going off to the toilet for me, for Merlin's beard! How sweeter could a boy be? (K)
Mbe had a terrible headache on our way home. I put a lot of effort to stay silent since he found my rarely-happened big mouth kinda difficult to answer. Still managed to took some pictures though B-)

It was a great day out, I had a lot of fun and he said I looked pretty hehehe
Then the night came and fuck yeh I couldn't help myself to sleep since everytime the eyes were closing that horrible images from Quarantine started to take action arrrgh.
I ended up sleeping at one. With the lights on.
How pathetic.
I had a meeting with people of Yearbook Committee. Ended up with having lunch at Sushi Tei (again) so I ordered my favourite Crispy Roll (again)
All of us were such camwhores....
There are two-hundred-something others on Aiden--my phone and Mox--my PC (not to mention the ones that aren't taken with Aiden...) but I think uploading four here is enough.
Mbe said he will come once I got home before six, and I were home at four so yeah he came. Actually he was having a course at six but we were having such quality time that he skipped the course and spend some more time with me.
Maybe sounds bad, but truthfully, for some and other personal reasons, I'm really glad he stayed.
And now once again the night came. I don't know if that fuckin Quarantine still have its effects once I try to sleep but hell I'm gonna give it a shot.
Good night and have a nice week! (L)
9 Writebacks:
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
quarantine emang parah banget yaaa nuu, gue tiga hari tidur with the lights on hahaha
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
tadi malem gue udah ngga loooh hehe asik irip lebih parno-an dari akyuu
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
aw aw gue emang paranoid abis deh haha
Friday, January 02, 2009
nu gw baru menyadari kalo ternyata crispy roll itu enak banget dan gw jadi pengen lagi lagi dan lagi
Saturday, January 03, 2009
wih makan bareng yuk ras
Saturday, January 17, 2009
boleh2 tapi lo yg bayarin haha
Sunday, January 18, 2009
haha kita tunggu orang ulang taun aja ye ras kalo gitu okayy
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
haha oke deeech
Thursday, January 22, 2009
EH HARI INI ADA YANG ULANG TAHUN NIH RAS. Sushi tei kita? Hekekekeeek
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