Xepele 2010

The post title is actually the name of my former class while i were in 10th grade.

What I love the most about the class?
  1. They welcome me, no matter how freak I am
  2. I learn a lot there, a lot more than just educational stuffs
  3. I had a lot of fun. And by saying a lot i do mean a lot
  4. I met cool people, which now mostly I became close friends with
  5. I knew this wonderful, dimpled, sideburned boy through this class; But most of all,
  6. I can be me there
It's like all-in-one, you know? I love them, I love that class. They bring me joy spirit zestfulness and whatnot. I know I'm being such a spoiled kid here but who cares, i miss them. I do.

But come to think about my first time there. Pretty much like right now. Yes now, that I'm in the new class of eleventh graders. So then I hope this year will be as wonderful as one i experienced in Xepele. Well, more, if it can possibly be. Amen.

So how's your new classes? Anything you wanna share?

7 Writebacks:


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Nunuuuu aku kangen kamyu dan XE!!! bner bgt deh kalo di xe lo bisa jd dri lo sndiri. Dan xe bisa nrima smwa smwanyaaaa. Aaaaaa

btw, bt ni gue ga da yg freak ky lo lg haha

  Nunu Fithria

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

xe emang paling mantep ya ga donk hahaaa iye nih kangen gw gada yang emo kaya lo lagi


Thursday, July 31, 2008

my new class nu, sucks. found no inspirations for expressing things on my own language

I'm a glass of oil without any fire

  Nunu Fithria

Thursday, July 31, 2008

OUR new class maksudnya? oh yeah we share the same feeling -__-


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Me too. I don't have any chairmatooo. Eh format blog gue udh ganti terinspirasi blog kaka kelas gue, komen ya


Saturday, August 02, 2008

My new class? Sepi krik.. krik.. enakan yang dulu

  Nunu Fithria

Monday, August 04, 2008

oh yeah sama banget haha ternyata banyak yang senasib ya asik :--D