My so-called first first post

I lost count on how much first post I've posted.

So perhaps I'll consider this the first first. For starter, the name is Nunu. I wont write the cliché hey-this-is-my-first-post-here-is-my-biography thing, cause then again, i've lost count on how many first post of that kind i've posted. Yes, you can say I'm bored.

Well why am I creating another blog? I don't know, i just read this blog of my not-so-close friend, it has run for around three years. And what surprises me more is that the friend i've mentioned is actually a boy. A non-organized type of boy, i should stress you. I'm inspired. Perhaps.

Okay let me tell you about my weekend. My weekend sucks.
I just started to be an eleventh grader this month. I don't know, maybe the three-week holiday is too long for a lazy person like me or whatever, but i just find schooling is quite tiring these days. I'm so slothful i hate school so much it hurts. Judge me.

But hell do I have a choice? NO, with caps. So during workdays I still go to school, take notes, studying, exercising and whatnot. It's five days full of moaaaaanss, for Merlin's beard. I cannot wait to see Saturday the very first time i opened my eyes on Monday.

Hey you who read this and happened to share the same feeling, would you please be kind enough to let me know that I'm not the only person who felt this in the whole world? You can use the comment field. Thankyou

So finally, yesterday was Saturday. And today is Sunday.

Why ain't I happy?


It's just sad, you know? So i just stayed up late, drank liters of Cola, get fattened up and whatever. I woke up at half past nine and now is 1:23 PM and i haven't take any bath nor shower yet, for I have no shampoo and conditioner to wash my hair with. And what's worse is that tomorrow's Monday and I have to go to school and wait for weekend. Again.

Thank God Wednesday's free.

2 Writebacks:


Sunday, July 27, 2008

nu parahan mana :
5 hari sibuk 2 hari nganggur, ato
3 hari gak terlalu sibuk dan 4 hari super nganggur dmn org2 lg sibuk! bayangkaaaannnn!!!!!! lumutan ini!! ciye blog baru. btw sure about your DP?

  Nunu Fithria

Sunday, July 27, 2008

ye gw lima harinya juga bukan sibuk nyong, cuma menjalani hidup dengan berat hati haha tp kalo pilihan lo gw mending yang pertama dah. i'm not sure makanya diganti2 daritadi nih haha