Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to People
1. "Oh kabar gue juga baik, gue di stei itb sekarang hehe lo?"
2. "I'm on the subway, will meet you up in five."
3. "Hey wanna meet up and just talk? Great. Yeah, the usual place. Is eight good? Nice. Okay, bye~"
4. "Your outfit is ugly."
5. "You're so gay."
6. "Your loss, not mine."
7. "Lo liat muka gue. Ada ga gue peduli?"
8. "I brought my car, don't worry about me."
9. "I'm going shopping. This client at work is impossible."
10. "You just made the biggest mistake of your life. You'll regret it."
Nine things about myself
1. I can't stand songs with low bit-rate. They're irritating.
2. I can't cook but I'd love to learn how to.
3. In a hurry, it only take me approximately 3 minutes to get ready to go out.
4. I have weird fascination over Vaseline's petroleum jelly.
5. I wanna try staying at an apartment by myself for a few months.
6. I don't mind going out by myself. No, actually I like it.
7. I really really want to redecorate my room.
8. I want to live abroad.
9. I pick chocolate milk over the plain one.
Eight ways to win my heart
1. Have cool taste of music.
2. Count loose long talks at a coffee shop as a precious moment.
3. Ask me on a random day out, wherever, doing nothing. And make it fun.
4. Have sushi and frozen yogurt with me.
5. Write something for or about me.
6. Surprise me with something nice, and sweet.
7. Cook something that's meant only for me.
8. Tell me something that you know about me that I don't know you do know.
Seven things that cross my mind a lot:
1. Usm itb and other uni exams.
2. My weight.
3. Marshall Eriksen.
4. Tweeting and blogging.
5. Cola.
6. Frozen yogurt.
7. Me.
Six things I do before I fall asleep
1. Salat al 'Isha.
2. Wash my face, sometimes brush my teeth.
3. Prepare school's stuff for tomorrow.
4. Turn the lights off.
5. Stare at the ceiling.
6. Listen to music.
Five places I want to visit
1. New York.
2. German.
3. McLaren's Bar.
4. Beach in winter.
5. My future home.
Four things I'm wearing right now
1. White tee.
2. Black shorts.
3. Green sandals.
4. Undies.
Three bands that I listen to often (Currently)
1. The Beatles.
2. Arctic Monkeys.
3. The 88.
Two things I want to do before I die
1. Make a big career achievement.
2. Build a beautiful house with my partner somewhere sweet.
One confession
1. Usually I hate sharing earphones, it limits my space of movements.
5 Writebacks:
Thursday, October 08, 2009
hihi mclaren... gue juga pengen :)
kopas ya nu :) lagi ga tau mau ngeblog apa ni.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
:--DD okay ka mandaa
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
hey nu aku copy paste yaaw hehe
Sunday, October 18, 2009
sure thing :-)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Kak, aku boleh repost kan? sorry, im blogwalking!
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