The thing about a heartbreak is that, of course, it hurts. The tears may run dry, but the pain, stays. There will be a time when the only thing that walks you to your sleep is your tear. But then you'll wake up in the middle of the night, and the first thing that crosses your mind and heart will be the pain, again. Then it'll be hard for you to get back to sleep, cause your brain is busy playing your certain pieces of memory with a certain person constantly be the center of the scene. That's when your heart aches, a lot. You started to cry again, just so your eyes will be weary enough to get you back to sleep.
Then the morning comes... It may be hard for you to get up, to face the day differently, independently. Maybe your tears will come out again, so will the pain. You're hurt, and emotionally left with no options.
You'll try to start to build a part of your so-called little world back. There will be a moment when it feels like the pieces are finally completing each other, but it'll only take a second, a smile of a certain someone that your brain flashes you, for it to fall right apart again. Then you'll start from scratch, over and over again.
You're in such a pain, everything aches. You share with your friends, but that’s just as far as how it can get. You don’t really spill the core of your heart out, simply cause you don’t think they’ll understand how much it aches. They give you hugs, but only a very few feels real. You waited till your day’s done to cry, cause they expect you to get better. You’re trying, but it doesn’t get you too far.
Erasing every little trace of the memory seems impossible, and you're not sure whether you can do it. You’re trapped, you can’t seem to let go, but to keep on holding to every bit of the past hurts too much. You want things to go back to the way they used to, but you’re not sure if it’s worth fighting for, not if it will end with the same pain as it does right until this second.
It’s your first cut, it’s the deepest. It’s not a breakup, it's a heartbreak.
8 Writebacks:
Monday, August 10, 2009
get yourself busy, get your hair a trim, change your playlist. time will heal
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
wow nu, you can be a poet because this post is so poetic. which is good.
eh, sorry if i say anything wrong. i just lost my mouth's filter :P
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
be tough dear...let's go out and play!!XDD
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
tikameutia : yeah, and it better be quick haha
mudsun : it's okay, it's okay
dheeka : i so need it dhikaaa haha yuk
wolfis black : ha!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
ayo minggu depan kita nyalon :D
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Heartbreaks are difficult indeed. Take your time to mourn until your very last drop of tears. But afterward, all you need to do is get pretty, hang with your friends, watch 100 comedy movies, and prove to your ex that he ain't gonna make you feel worse, that in fact, YOU ARE HAPPY.
Hang in there my friend, you are too worthy to be wasting time on a boy.
Oh, but by all means of this post; Yes, out of doubt, I understand how you feel :'}
Thursday, August 20, 2009
mudsun : yang tiba2 gak ada yg nganter siapa ya...... haha
Cassey : Yeah this sucks. Thanks for your words :--)
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