25 Random Things Of Me

...If you're interested. Eh I mean, whatever, here they are;
  1. I have my point of view changed by certain TV Series.
  2. My current favourite place to dine is Sushi Tei.
  3. I've actually made several attempts to write a novel.
  4. I'm craving for killer heels at the moment.
  5. I'm afraid of getting new haircut.
  6. My favourite line from Seabear's I Sing I Swim is "You left your winter clothes and your teeth marks in my skin". Especially the teeth marks part :--)
  7. I can't sleep with the lights on.
  8. My braces stopped me from nail biting, I used to do it a lot.
  9. I haven't watch Harry Potter's 5th series.
  10. I hate the word tweeople. No offense, I just hate it.
  11. I'm afraid I'm not as smart as I thought I am.
  12. I love it that Peter Doherty pronounces things unclearly.
  13. I'm getting sick of chicken nuggets.
  14. Grocery and book stores excite me.
  15. If I really have to choose, I'll pick mineral water over Cola.
  16. I'm good at DDR.
  17. I suck at taking care of my stuffs but I get emotionally involved with them easily.
  18. I did remember all--I mean all-- lyrics to Green Day's songs, but they slowly slip away nowadays.
  19. Truthfully I kind of like how my family is at the moment and I'm not sure if I want it to change--but it's definitely going to.
  20. Some people have mistaken me as a smoker because of my voice. Really.
  21. And some thought I dye my hair cause apparently its color turns to reddish purple under the expose of the sun.
  22. I like the song Silent Night though I'm a moslem. I wonder if that's okay :--/
  23. Waking up with an unread Good-Morning text from my boyfriend makes me happy.
  24. A long long night drive with my boyfriend will be pleasant :--}
  25. I love romantic stories no matter how cheesy they are.

If you have time why don't you write your own version of the list? I'd love to read it, really.

12 Writebacks:


Tuesday, July 07, 2009

#16 - not as good as me. wahahaha.

  Nunu Fithria

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

okay, got to admit that. pfff


Wednesday, July 08, 2009

nuu gue link yaaaa


Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Duh how could you forget the day when we had, like, 5 boxes of kretek?

  Nunu Fithria

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Anissa : sure, i'll link you back :--D

paw25694 : psssh i've left that behind


Friday, July 10, 2009

you had -what? hahaha I wrote my own version loh nu

  Nunu Fithria

Friday, July 10, 2009

had what? yeaah i've checked it :--D


Friday, July 10, 2009

#3 gue juga deh nu tapi ga ada yang tamat haha


Friday, July 10, 2009

had, uh, 5 boxes of kretek with Prathi. hahahaa. hey I'm number 24!

  Nunu Fithria

Friday, July 10, 2009

iriph : exactly rip haha

istina : emang tuh thito kecil2 udah ngerokok, kretek pula


Saturday, July 11, 2009

silent night was actually an austrian folk song..

  Nunu Fithria

Sunday, July 12, 2009

whoa really? thanks for the info