Ten of Those Things

As mentioned, here I write ten bad habits of mine. Kind of surprised I actually had ten bad habits. I mean, maybe people do, but listing it made them feels... real. Whatever, here they are~
  1. I procrastinate everything …Even eating.
  2. I unconsciously like to play with my hair and I just look disgustingly inappropriate every time I do that.
  3. I curse, a lot. Even the littlest thing like unable to open a ketchup sachet can trigger my curse.
  4. I always look for a shortcut before actually trying to finish everything. Sometimes I end up finishing the task twice the time needed not using the shortcut cause it take me rather long to give up on finding the shortcut.
  5. I’m nervous and paranoid. I don’t know, I just am.
  6. I can’t stop once I sit in front of Nox. Horrible, I think my sight had gotten shorter because of this. It’s just that there’re so many things to explore in the cyberspace!
  7. I can’t keep my files organized. Mostly I prefer starting over than to reorganizing the files. I mean, throw it all away and start with blank space. I lost plenty of treasured documents because of this. *Sigh*
  8. Verbally, I like to add “pisan” at the end of adjectives which means “Very-something” in English. It’s a West Javanese dialect. This doesn’t sound too good if spoken in my nowadays social activities. My sister gave me this--darn you!
  9. I bring Aiden to the bathroom simply because I need music even on shower. Weird. It fell on the wet floor once.
  10. I drink a lot of Coke. It helps me release my stress, also headaches. For addition, it tastes awesome!

...So, do we share something in common?
No tags, have a nice week! :--}

7 Writebacks:


Tuesday, June 09, 2009

yang no.7 kebiasaan gue banget tuh.. main reset aje. hahahhahahaha.. tapi enggak sih sekarang(masa perbaikan)


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

wow lucu pisan blog ini teh

  Putri Erdisa Januarti

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

i always love your choosing of some words! i just love it. ;D


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

ehm cie nunu hahahah

takut deh dikutuk sama lo oohhhh nooooooooooo

  Nunu Fithria

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ravi : good for you deh vi semoga sukses ye haha kok gue susah ngilanginnya ya -__-

tikameutia : diem lu ah batak apa sunda sih?! hahaha

Putri : aaaw thank you put :--}

typratiwi : sialan lu wakakak


Thursday, June 11, 2009

I know you hate to read blogs with irresistibly awful grammars. They are irritating in the most irritatious way. Dongan lu tuh

  Nunu Fithria

Thursday, June 11, 2009

ukkh you know i hate you, don't you? and bi ti dabelyu, that can't be catagorized as a habit, Mr.I-want-love-juice-but-it-has-to-be-pomegrenate.