Hi. Remember Me?

And then it's a year and some days since I left. That's fast.

I still come here sometimes though. To slap myself in the face, or I don't know, to remind myself about how sometimes things aren't that smooth. Or about how nothing is the end of the world, what you once thought toxic might turned out to be... well, still toxic but there are different types of toxin right? I've come to realize that nothing is permanent. Not living hell, not toughest break up, not friendship, not pain in the ass, and not even true love, nor first love let alone the ones in between. But it's not bad thing, because that's what will keep us going.

I'm in college now, I live outside town though it's not very far, and I've gotten back together with the guy I always talked about in this blog. Funny I know, how I drowned, got out, but then took a dip yet again. But when I take a look at my writings, though sometimes embarrassing, I think it wasn't stupid at all. And that's why I won't stop writing. Cause I'll always need that rearview mirror to look back at when I don't know where I stand. You know, just so I know how far I've came.

That is why, this blog should remain the same. And so should you guys, don't change unless for the better, stay lovely and wonderful, write write write cause I'm reading :-)

Have a pretty journey <3